How to Create Matrix (%) Charted, Sig-Tested Crosstabs?

Matrix questions are easy to crosstab and analyse in both a table and chart in AV2

To see your results across multiple filters, i.e. in a crosstab, banner, or time series,

  1. click the 'Target' dropdown below your chart / above your table and select a target Statement, e.g. "Lunch". This will also automagically change the 'Rows' slot to "Filters". Any Global Filters added in previous views will already be added.

If you want to add more filters to your matrix crosstab...

  1. click the '+Filter' button in your table rows (above the "Total (%)" row).
  2. select the filters you want to add on top of your current filters, e.g. let's add 4 time filters
  3. click Add (this view) or Add Global (all views)

You can now compare your filters e.g. all, gender, age, and time side by side and see differences between them for the "Lunch" statement. 🥳

To switch between statements, click the 'Target' dropdown again and click "Breakfast" or "Evening meal" to see the same crosstab for those statements.

To pre filter your chart,

  1. click the '+' button above your chart
  2. select your pre filter(s), e.g. by country="AUS".
  3. click "Apply" to apply this filter to only this view OR click "Apply Global" to apply this filter to ALL views in your survey.

Note that our sample size has dropped from n=1,003 to n=200, indicating that our pre filter has been applied successfully.

To see all statements again, in your 'Target' dropdown, select '-'. This will automatically replace the filters in your table with the statements so all statements and all choices are visible again.

To sig-test your questions, go to your dashboard settings (top left) and tick "Subset Significance Test". The default will be set to 95% confidence level and this will highlight cells green or red if they're significantly higher or lower than the Total (%) column (if Column %) or Total (%) row (if Row %).

You can also tick "Margin of Error" to see how statistically robust each of your sample sizes are (e.g. +/-3% moe for n=1003 sample).

To average your choices, see Help Scout: How to Score & Average Choices in a Matrix


Within your view manager, you can duplicate your view, move it up/down, redact (make private), remove, and restore excluded views. If you click on your chart title, you can rename your view.

Within the config menu (the cog icon above your table to the right), you can merge, unmerge, rename, reorder, display, hide, exclude, and even score choices (to calculate a combine weighted average).

Once you're happy with your Matrix Analysis, don't forget to click Save

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