What is Config: Merge, Unmerge, Rename, Reorder, Display, Hide, Exclude, & Score Choices?

Choice Config allows you to...

  1. merge, unmerge, relabel, reorder, reset choices
  2. display, hide, exclude choices
  3. score, combine weight, and average choices

Additionally, statement config, rank config, and loop config are also available.

Merge, Unmerge, Relabel, Reorder, Reset Choices

For example in this Matrix question with 3 statements (breakfast, lunch, evening meal) and 8 choices from 0-7 times p/week...

We can use Choice Config (cog icons above table) to simplify this to just 3 merged choices, e.g.

  • Top 3 Box
  • Middle 2 Box
  • Bottom 3 Box

To merge choices,

  1. Click the Choice Config button (cog icon above table to the right)
  2. Select the choices you want to merge, e.g. 5, 6, 7
  3. Click the Merge button

  1. Rename your choices to whatever you like, e.g. "Top 3 Box"
  2. Click Done when you're ready

With 3 merged choices now instead of 8 originally, our question just became that much simpler to analyse.

Note that you can also:

  • Click the Info 'i' icon if you want to see the original choices
  • Click the Unmerge icon to split this choice back to its original choices
  • Click the Up / Down arrows to reorder choices
  • Click the Reset button to unmerge all choices and revert back to the original order

Display, Hide, & Exclude Choices

Above, we ended up with 3 choices displayed but we can simplify this even further to just 1 visible choice!

By default, all choices will be displayed

However, you can also hide choices, which will hide that choice but not remove it, so no percentages are recalculated.

Alternatively, you can exclude choices, which will remove that/those choice(s) from your base and recalculate percentages. This is best use for choices like "don't know", "n/a", or "none of the above".

E.g. here we've hidden 2 choices and displayed only 1 choice...

...so our question is now as simple as possible to analyse.

Score, Combine, & Average Choices

See articles:

Finally, Statement Config, Rank Config, and Loop Config don't allow you to merge, exclude, or score these variables (the complex config functions) but do allow you to relabel, display, hide, reorder, and reset statements, ranks, and loops (the simple functions).

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