Action Logic: What is "add least filled tags" and "retain least filled tags"?

Least Filled Tags is a powerful and popular tool that allows you to distribute your respondents equally across each of your tags. This is perfect for Concept Testing use cases, such as when you're Ad Pre-Testing. It’s simple to use once you see how it works below.

Logic Editor

At Q12, we can see this user has added 3 least filled tags, and respondents are allocated 1 out of the 3 Tags based on whichever Tag has the lowest count. This means…

  • 1 out of 3 respondents will get tagged as Drink 1: Hibiscus Rose
  • 1/3 will get tagged as Drink 2: Lavendar Oolong, and
  • 1/3 will get tagged as Drink 3: Apple Berry

You can change this to 2 out of 3 so that 2/3 see Hibiscus Rose, Lavendar Oolong, and Apple Berry

You can add a 4th Drink tag if you want, so numbers will change to 1/4, 2/4, or 3/4

Least Filled Tags should ALWAYS be used in combination with Display Logic as you want to display questions or options depending on which Tag respondents were allocated. See article: What is Add Display Logic?

What is the difference between add least filled tags and retain least filled tags?

Use 'add least filled tags' when respondents don't have any of the tags you wish to assign to them so they need to be added to them. This will be used most of the time.

Use 'retain least filled tags' when respondents already have all possible tags added to them so you only want the respondent to keep or retain X of Y tags (based on lowest tag count) and remove the rest of the tags. Typically, you would use 'retain least filled tags' in combination with If... 'respondent has tags'. This will be used some of the time.

If needed, Least Filled Tags can be tracked, charted and analysed in the Hidden Variables question type.

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