How to Analyse Data

Once you've captured responses, you can see the results in your Analyse tab.

The Question Index on your left allows you to quickly navigate to each of your questions.

  • Simply click on a question to navigate to that question, OR
  • Use the up and down arrows on your keyboard to quickly switch between question.
  • Alternatively, press ctrl+f on your keyboard to find your question text in the question index.

In the middle, you can see the percentages and counts for each of the choices in your question in a Chart

AND in a Table. Within your table, you can sort choices by order (1 to n or n to 1), alphabetically (A to Z or Z to A), or by frequency (largest to smallets or smallest to largest).

You can also see how many answered and didn't answer this question based on the filter you have applied above the table and below the chart.

Within the 3-dot menu above the chart, you can:

  • Apply Netting, where you can:
    • Merge and un-merge Choices (e.g. merge 4 - agree and 5 - strongly agree)
    • Relabel Choices (e.g. Net Agree)
    • Move Choice up/down
    • Hide Choices

  • Switch between percentages and counts
  • Rotate Chart between horizontal and vertical.

  • Edit Question Theme, i.e. the colours in the chart and table.

  • Download the table for just this question to a CSV for the filter you have applied.


On your right, you can create as many Filters as you like to see your answers from the point of view of any specific audience such as "Millenials" or "25-44 year olds" or "UK".

Response Type Filters:

On the bottom right, if your survey has exits, then you have the ability to switch between all responses, completes, exits, and overquota, though it will be set to completes by default. See article: Response Type Filters.


On the bottom left, if you want to see your data cut by across multiple filters in a table, you can generate crosstabs one at a time or in bulk and can export all your crosstabs into an excel workbook.

See article: Crosstabs.

At the top left, you can:


  • Export all your Charts across all questions. into a PowerPoint, with one slide per question. Yes, you can edit the charts in ppt.

  • Export all your Tables across all questions into an Excel Workbook, with one tab per question.

  • Export all Individual Responses into a:
    • CSV text format compatible with Q (this is the most popular), alternatively,
    • EXCEL numeric format for excel users, or
    • SPSS compatible xlsx format for SPSS users

Survey Settings.

  • Edit your Survey Colours
  • Turn on margin of error

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