Plan & Hosting
"The Plan"
We've removed subscription fees and made the platform free, for everyone, forever, with access to ALL features. That means, you can now...
- Build as many surveys as you like using any question type, for free
- Route respondents using any survey logic needed, for free
- Create as many filters and charted crosstabs as you like, for free
- Sig-test your tables and charts to your heart's content, freely
- And everything else you want to do, free.
If you don't require Glow's help to create your survey or source your respondents, then all you need to pay for are responses.
Every account has therefore been converted to the new, single, free, universal plan, aka "The Plan".
DIY vs. Managed
DIY Projects
DIY Projects...
- are surveys / channels setup and run entirely by you
- use 1 hosting credit per (completed) response
- require a credit card to purchase hosting credits and integrated panel responses
Managed Projects
Managed Projects are where Glow supports in any/all of the build, setup or fieldwork management
- Manage Projects will be fully quoted and invoiced outside of the platform
- A Managed Project does not require hosting credits to be available on your Glow account
- To enquire about running a Managed Project please contact us at
Hosting Credits
You will need adequate hosting credits for all DIY channels (inc. integrated panel).
You will need to add a credit card to your Glow account to purchase hosting credits.
1 (DIY channel) response = 1 (hosting) credit
A response is defined as a completed survey (not exits or overquota).
You can buy credits in bundles to save as you scale or just purchase exactly the amount you need when you need it. E.g.
- $1.00 AUD per credit for 1,000 credits vs.
- $0.47 AUD per credit for 20,000 credits
To purchase / top up credits, go to your Account Billing
If you run out of hosting credit, your account will freeze.
We therefore recommend you enable auto-recharge for your credits to ensure uninterrupted service and avoid project delays due to insufficient credits being available in your account for surveys you want to run.
Where to View Credits
Your credit balance will be displayed in your Account Billing (above),
As well as on your Account Dashboard (below),
And when you're starting DIY channels that use credits (in your survey's Capture tab)
If you want to be invoiced rather than pay up front on the platform via credit card then you will not be able to run DIY Projects. Instead you will need to use our Managed Projects service.
For managed Projects please contact us at
For any project that is managed, you do not need to have hosting credits on your account.
Account Owners vs. Account Users
Only account owners or account administrators can purchase hosting credits. Users can't top up hosting credits. If you want to change your account admin, please contact us at
FREE Credits
You can also claim free credits by:
- completing your profile so we can provide you with tailored content (100 credits)
- creating your 1st project (100 credits)
If you have any concerns regarding this transition to the new pricing model, please contact us immediately at
We're excited about this change because it makes quality research even easier and more affordable for you.