What are Dashboards?
Dashboards allow you to...
- Create new dashboards (with all original views and no filters)
- Duplicate dashboards (with same views and same filters)
- Rename dashboards
- Remove dashboards
- Set dashboard colour theme.
- Save dashboards
- Download dashboards
- Share dashboards
So you're no longer stuck with just 1 dashboard that has to do everything
And can now create multiple analysis dashboards that can do bits of everything
Example: you can create a...
- Default dashboard
- Gender dashboard
- Age dashboard
- Time dashboard
- National dashboard with 20 views
- Text Analysis with 10 views
Then [securely & privately] share them your clients & stakeholders!
To get started...
- click the '+' button to create a new dashboard with all original views and no filters OR
- click the 'duplicate' button to create a duplicate dashboard with the same views and the same filters.