What Chart Types (Group Bar, Stack Bar, Line, or Area) can I use in AV2?

There are 4 chart types you can choose from in AV2 for your choice, matrix, rank, and constant sum charts. Simply click the Stack/Group toggle in your chart at the top-right to switch between...

1: Group Bar Chart - lets you compare bars side by side to see differences. Perfect for when your filters are in the columns / chart bars.

2: Stack Bar Chart - lets you stack bars on top of each other to sum them / add them together. Perfect for when your choices are in the columns / chart bars.

3: Line Chart [coming soon!] - lets you track trends over time. Perfect for when your time filters are in the rows / chart x-axis.

4: Area Chart [coming soon!] - lets you track AND sum trends over time (think of it as a "stack line chart")

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