Intro to AV2
AV2 is a powerful and intuitive analysis dashboard that lets you instantly create sig-tested, charted crosstabs & time series for choice, matrix, rank, constant sum, and looped questions across all your audience filters in group bar charts, stack bar charts, line charts, or area charts (and word clouds for text questions).
This sorcery is all driven by Filters. Filters are easy to create using any combination of Any of, All of, None of, Exactly, as well as AND and OR logic. E.g. "Hot Sauce Females OR Marinade Males"
Values: let you see your counts (n=), percentages (%), sums (+), and averages (x̄) for each of the answers to your question in both tables and charts.
Config: Use Config (Netting) to merge, unmerge, rename, move, hide, and exclude choices in your View.
View Management: Duplicate and Rename your views to tell a multi-facetted story for each question.
Pre Filters: Drill down deep into your data using Pre Filters to double, triple, even quadruple interlock your data (with enough sample size, i.e. n=100+).
Global and Local filters permit you to slice & dice your views either one at a time or all at once.
View Theme: Edit your chart colours to match your brand or theme.
Sig-Testing: Conduct sig-testing to highlight statistical differences (green and red) across your demographic filters and segments.
Export Views: Export your views to excel for your tables, powerpoint or pdf for your charts, and to csv, xlsx, or spss for your responses, but why would you need to export anything when everything you need is in your new AV2 dashboard?
Share Analysis: Effortlessly share your analysis dashboard with your clients with their own share link.