What is the "Places" channel type?

The "Places" channel type lets you get feedback from your customers while they're at (or close to) your location.

For example: let's say you're a supermarket and you want your customers to give feedback for any of your stores in their area via a quick 2 question survey

To do this as a supermarket customer:

  1. Click this Places link: https://app.glowfeed.com/beacon/MMWoolies OR
  2. Scan this QR code

  1. Click any store location near you. Your proximity to each location is shown in metres if less than 1km away (e.g. 241m) and in kilometres with 3dp if more than 1km away (e.g. 12.672km).

  1. Take the Woolworths Green Square 2 question survey!



Places Surveys and Channels

To create a "Place" survey for customers in the area to give their feedback:

  1. Create a Survey for your "Place"
  2. Add as many Questions as you like. If you want to reward respondents for taking your survey, e.g. with a gift card, or loyalty card points, make sure to add a question that captures their email address.
  3. Go to the Capture tab
  4. Click Create Channel
  5. Click the Other types fold
  6. Select Places
  7. Under Places, click '+'
  8. Click +New Place
  9. Use the map to find your Place address OR type in your place address in the field provided
    • Top tip: you can also copy-paste addresses from Google Maps

  1. Give your place a name, e.g. "Woolworths Green Square (NSW)"
  2. Click Save, then tick your location to add it to your channel, then click Done again.
  3. You can add as many Places as you like to your channel with the '+' button
  4. You can also remove Places by clicking 'x'.

  1. Click Save and Start when ready.
  2. NOTE: Only Places that are in LIVE Channels (started) will appear in your Beacons.
  3. DON'T copy the "Places" link (i.e. https://glowthis.com) .
  4. INSTEAD... create a Beacon

Places Beacon

Beacons consolidate all the (live) Places or Products in your account across all your surveys into 1 page. Your customers can scan the Beacon's QR code or click your Beacon link to go to your Beacon page where they can see all the Places near them in your Beacon (max distance set by you) and they can select any of those Places to take the survey for that Place (store, location).

To create a Beacon:

  • Go back to your Home Dashboard
  • Click on your Account icon in the top right corner
  • Click Beacons
  • Click +New Beacon
  • Give your Beacon a Title, e.g. "Supermarket Beacons" but this field is optional.
  • Give your Beacon a description, e.g. "Have your say in two minutes for a chance to win up to $250 in awesome prizes!" but this field is optional.
  • Create a unique URL, e.g. https://app.glowfeed.com/beacon/MMWoolies
  • Within Type, click Places
  • Set a Max Distance (in kilometres), e.g 5km (a walkable distance in 1 hour). Places further than this from respondents will not appear in the their Beacon page.

To brand your beacon:

  • Add your brand logo (top centre)
  • Pick a banner colour, or set one using HEX code (top)
  • Pick a button colour

Copy the Beacon's unique link and send it to your customers: https://app.glowfeed.com/beacon/MMWoolies

OR use the Beacon's QR Code which customers in the area can simply scan (e.g. using their mobile device).

Places Analysis

Just go to the analyse tab to view the results of your Places survey. Example here.

Places Filters

To create a Places filter

  1. Click + Add Filter
  2. Within Condition, select Dimension
  3. Within Type, select Place
  4. Within Values, select any Place! E.g. Woolworths Green Square
  5. Within Label, type a name for your Filter, e.g. "Woolworths Green Square"
  6. Click Done

Repeat for each of your places.

User Related (Not Platform related) Location Errors:

You might see a message saying that location isn't enabled when it is.

Ad-blockers (such as uBlock Origin) can block the places listing working even when Geo is enabled in the browser.

You have to switch it off to get the survey to show places nearby

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