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How can I Export Responses to CSV, XLSX, SPSS?

In This Article:

You can export all individual responses to either:

Text format in CSV

This format has 1 tab and can be plugged straight into Q. Just click the Export button (the down arrow icon at the top right) and click Responses (csv).

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Numeric format in XLSX

This format has 2 tabs and is perfect for Excel users. Just click the Export button (the down arrow icon at the top right) and click Responses (xlsx).

The 1st tab shows your survey data in numeric format

The 2nd tab is a Datamap with 3 columns so you can convert the numbers back to text.

  1. Column A: Variable label - shows you the question text
  2. Column B: Value - shows you the numeric answer
  3. Column C: Value label - shows you the text answer

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SPSS compatible numeric format in XLSX

This format has 4 tabs and can be plugged straight into SPSS. Just click the Export button (the down arrow icon at the top right) and click Responses (SPSS compatible xlsx).

The 1st tab shows your survey data in spss compatible numeric format.

The 2nd tab shows spss compatible variable labels with 3 columns to convert your Question Numbers into Question Text.

  1. Column A: Variable shows you the question number, AND:
    • statement number in matrix
    • choice number in rank and multiple choice
    • statement number and choice number in matrix multiple choice
  2. Column B: Position shows you the column number of this question in the Numeric Data tab
  3. Column C: Label shows you the question label (and ...loop ...statement ...choice labels where relevant)

The 3rd tab shows spss compatible value labels with 3 columns to convert your Numeric Answers back to Text Labels.

  • Column A: Variable shows you the question_loop_statement_choice number
  • Column B: Value shows you each answer's numeric code/value
  • Column C: Value Labels shows you each answer's text label

The 4th tab is a magical syntax you can use in SPSS to instantly import both the Variable Labels AND the Value Labels from XLSX into SPSS.



  1. Click the Export button (the down arrow icon at the top right) and
  2. Select Responses (SPSS compatible XLSX)
  3. After your Export is built, click Download

After your XLSX has downloaded:

  1. Open IBM SPSS
  2. Open the Download Folder containing your XLSX data and drag the XLSX data file from the Download Folder straight into SPSS (see Demo Video) OR
  3. In SPSS, select File > Import > Excel > select your XLSX data file (in the Download Folder).


  1. Open the XLSX and go to the Import Syntax tab (4th tab)
  2. Click Cell A1
  3. Press ctrl+a on your keyboard to select the entire syntax in Excel.

  1. In SPSS, go to File > New > Syntax
  2. Paste your syntax into SPSS (ctrl+v)
  3. Press ctrl+a on your keyboard to select the entire syntax (again! but this time in SPSS)
  4. Click the "Play" button (i.e. the green triangle) to execute.

Demo Video:

Your Export to XLSX > Import to SPSS is now complete with all your data✅, variables✅, and values✅! 🎉

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But why would you ever want to export anything, when everything you need (charted crosstabs and charted time series) are all right here in your new AV2 Dashboard?

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