How to Create Filters?

Filters let you segment your audience, e.g. across gender, age, time, country, personas, brands, segments (you name it!) so you can instantly slice & dice your questions, see differences across filters, and create powerful charted crosstabs / banners, charted time series, and even coded, charted text questions!

The magic of AV2 is all driven by filters, and they're easy to create. With Glow's filters, you can use any combination of Any of, All of, None of, Exactly as well as AND and OR logic to create any filter you need.

1st, let's create a simple filter with 1 condition for 18-40 year olds. To do this,

  1. Go to the Filters Tab to your left
  2. Click Create Filter
  3. Give your filter a Name, e.g. 18-40yrs
  4. In your filter Condition, either:
    1. Scroll down to your question, e.g. Q1. Which age group... OR
    2. Search for "age" in the search field to find Q1. Which age group...
  5. In the Choices dropdown, select your choices, e.g. 18-25yrs, 26-30yrs, 31-35yrs, and 36-40yrs
  6. Any of will be used by default, and covers 90% of use cases, but you can also use "All of", "None of", and "Exactly".
  7. Click Done

Your new filter will be added to your list of filters in the Filters tab.

You can click the '+Prefilter' button above your chart to add it as a prefilter for your data.

You can also click the '+Filter' button in your table columns or rows to add them as cross filters for your question.

2nd [optional], let's create a complex filter with multiple (4) conditions for Hot Sauce Females OR Marinade Males

To create this filter,

  1. Go to the Filters tab (to your left)
  2. Click Create Filter
  3. Give your Filter a Name, e.g. "Hot Sauce Females OR Marinade Males"
  4. In Condition, scroll down to your Questions
  5. Select a question, e.g. Q4 for products purchased

  1. Select a choice, e.g. "Hot Sauces"

  1. "Any of" will be used by default but you can choose between Any of, All of, None of, and Exactly, e.g.:
    1. Any of [Hot Sauces, Marinades] means EITHER hot sauce OR marinades can be selected
    2. All of [Hot Sauces, Marinades] means BOTH hot sauce AND marinades must be selected
    3. None of [Hot Sauces, Marinades] means NEITHER hot sauce NOR marinades can be selected
    4. Exactly [Hot Sauces, Marinades] means ONLY hot sauce AND marinades must be selected, but nothing else.

To add more conditions to your filter,

  1. Click Add and choose between AND or OR
    1. AND will add a new condition to this nest of conditions
    2. OR will add a new condition to a new separate nest of conditions
  2. For this example, select AND
  3. In your new Condition, scroll down to Q2 for the gender question, then select a choice, e.g. "Female".

Et voila, you've just created a filter "Hot Sauce Females"! 🎉

But we're not quite done. Let's now continue to add "Marinade Males" to our Filter.

  1. Click Add again but this time, select OR
  2. In new separate condition, select Q4 > Any of > Marinades
  3. Click Add again but this time, select AND
  4. In new nested condition, select Q2 > Any of > Males
  5. Click Done

And there you have it, you've just create a filter with 4 conditions for "Hot Sauce (1) Females (2) OR Marinade (3) Males (4)"! 🥳

This is the most complex filter you can create so if you can create this filter, you can create any filter.

Note that you can also create filters using:

  • Channels you've created in the Capture tab
  • Response Type (i.e. Complete, Exit, Overquota). E.g. filter for All Responses using Response Types: Complete, Exit, Overquota

  • Date (DD, MM, YYYY)
  • Dimension (e.g. CRDs, Places, Products)
  • Tags you've added in the Survey Logic Editor
  • Segments you've created in the Capture tab using Response IDs.
  • Response IDs
  • Skipped a question
  • Seen a question
  • Answered a question
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