Outlinks to External Surveys

Outlinks lets you run surveys outside of Glow but using Glow sample. So how does it work?

How to use Outlinks?

For the Operations Team:

  • Go to a Project
  • Create a new Survey
  • Add 1 Question and click Save & Close


  • Click Survey Settings
  • Tick Outlink
  • Tick Immediate mode to redirect respondents immediately, skipping this Glow survey and its questions.
  • Give the Submit Link, Exit Link, and Quota Link to your client.
  • In the External Link field, add your client's Survey Link (e.g. from Qualtrics, Survey Monkey, Attest, Decipher, or Confirmit)
  • To forward the Glow Response ID or {rid} to the external survey,
    • Add ?crd_glowrid={rid} or any custom search parameter to the end of the external link.
    • Its up to you to use a search paramater that the external survey can either:
      • A: automatically store along with its submitted response (e.g. crd_rid on Glow), or
      • B: can be configured on the Guest (i.e. external) platform to be extracted (e.g. configuring Survey Monkey to capture ?glow_rid={rid} or any custom search parameter.
    • This will allow you to match the responses in the external survey with the responses in Glow.
  • Click Save & Close.


  • Go to Capture tab and click Create Channel (Consumer Panel, Third Party Panel, or Shareable Link)
  • If Third Party Panel or Shareable Link:
    • In the Channel's Advanced Options, click the Redirects toggle
    • Paste Panel Partner's Submit, Exit, and Quota Links into each field.
    • Click Save and click Start
    • Copy the Channel's Survey Link and give it to your Panel Partner to implement.
  • Send sample to your Glow-Qualtrics or Glow-Survey Monkey or Glow-Attest survey when ready!

For the Sales and Account Managers:

1: Give your client the Glow Outlinks (your client might call them Glow Redirect Links)

  • Glow Submit Link,
  • Glow Exit Link, and
  • Glow Quota Link

2: [Optional] Give your client these instructions on how to implement these Glow Redirect Links in their specific platform (every platform is different). Nevertheless, imho, we have no obligation to show them how to use an external platform, they should already know how to implement Redirect Links into their External survey without your help. So feel free to SKIP this step. But if they honestly can't figure it out and you feel compelled to show them how, below is how:

  • How to implement Glow Redirects in Qualtrics
  • How to implement Glow Redirects in Survey Monkey
  • How to implement Glow Redirects in Attest
  • How to implement Glow Redirects in Decipher
  • How to implement Glow Redirects in Confirmit
  • How to implement Glow Redirects in ABC
  • How to implement Glow Redirects in XYZ

3: Once Glow's redirects have been setup and test responses captured (and deleted) in external survey - launch and send your Glow Sample to the External Survey!

Why would you use Outlinks?

For every Research project, there are three major cost components required to win the work:

1: Survey Scripting Fee:

  • 5 min: $X,000
  • 10 min: $X,000
  • 15 min: $X,000
  • 20 min: $X,000

2: Survey Sampling Fee:

  • X,000 responses
  • $X.00 p/complete
  • $X.00 p/exit or quota
  • Project Manager fee: $X00

3: Survey Analysis Fees:

  • Analyst Fee: $X,000 p/day
  • Analysis Days needed (est.): 14 days
  • Crosstabs: $X,000
  • Report: $XX,000

With Glow Outlinks, if we fail to win the Survey Scripting component, we can still win the Survey Sample component.

For example, for whatever reason, the client decides to script their survey in Qualtrics, Survey Monkey, Attest, Decipher, or Confirmit instead of Glow:

  • Maybe because they have full Max Diff
  • Maybe because they have Image Heatmaps
  • Maybe because they have Shelf Testing, or Drag and Drop, or Complete Tag Quota Management
  • Maybe because the client just doesn't know any better.

It doesn't matter.

With Glow Outlinks, even if we fail to win 1: the Scripting for the Survey, there is now nothing preventing us from still winning 2: the Sample for that Survey:

  • Maybe because our Sample fees are the most competitive
  • Maybe because our Operations team is the best in the world and for the client:
    • it's about getting it right (primary),
    • not about getting it cheap (secondary).
  • Maybe our Account Manager has a great relationship with the client and saved their bacon a million times so the client loves us and wants to cut us in, even with a small portion of the sample, wherever they can.
  • Maybe we're the incumbent but we lost the survey scripting but the client still needs the same Glow Sample blend for consistency, so they have to use Glow sample (muahahaha), even if they're no longer using our surveys.
  • Maybe the client has captured n=900/1,000 but is a bit short so just needs a small top up of n=100.

It doesn't matter.

With Glow Outlinks, we can now win Sample Only projects.

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