What is "insert answer from previous question"?
Insert answer from previous question...
- Allows you to {{ pipe in/ inject/ insert }} your {{answers/ choices/ text/ numbers/ variables/ lists }}
- From your {{ previous questions/ survey logic/ survey settings/ survey link }}
- Into your {{ Question/ Description/ Statement/ Choice/ Prefix/ Suffix/ Total/ i.e. any }} fields.
By using doubly squiggly brackets {{ }}
Question Editor
For example, to carry forward, i.e. pipe in, i.e. inject, i.e. insert...
- Answer from previous question, use {{ QX }}
- if multiple answers, then answers separated by commas.
- Answer from 1st statement of previous question, use {{ QX.1 }}
- 1st Answer from 2nd statement of previous question, use {{ QX.2.1 }}
Carry forward...
- 1st Text answer from previous question, use {{ QX~1 }}.
- use this to carry forward text answer from "Other (please specify)"
- and add logic: display... choice {{ QX~1 }} when... respondent selected "Other (please specify)"
- 1st Numeric answer from previous question, use {{ QX#1 }}
- Variable value from your Survey Logic, use {{ variable:key }}
- All list items from your Survey Logic, use {{ list_name }}
- 3rd list item from your Survey Logic, use {{ list_name.3 }}
Pipe in...
- Loop variable that you've setup in your Survey Settings, use {{ loop_variable }}
- CRD value appended to the end of your Glow survey link, use {{ crd_key }}
- e.g. using "?crd_key1=value1&crd_key2=value2"
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Injected answers in description field
Inserted variables in choice fields