How can I add Images to my Statements?

Statement Images in Editor

To add images to your statements e.g. brand logos or ad concepts:

  • Go to a matrix question in your survey. 
  • Above your list of statements, you will see a statement menu with a tick box for Images.
  • Tick this box to add images to your statements. 
  • You will see image boxes appear next to each of your statements
  • Click each one to upload an image from your computer
  • You can choose to hide the statement labels if you want respondents to see only the image without a label. This is not an uncommon use case. This option will only appear after you have ticked "Images" in your Statement menu. 
  • When you are happy, click Done. 

Statement Images in Preview

Statement Images in Matrix: Default

Statement Images in Matrix: Dropdown

Statement Images in Matrix: Scale

Statement Images in Matrix: Carousel

Statement Images in Analysis

Statement Images will not appear in Analysis but you can of course see the Statement label.

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