How do I Build my Survey?

The Build tab, otherwise known as the Survey Editor is where you construct Questions, route respondents with logic, preview your survey, and more! It is composed of:

1: Question Types

To see all the question types you can ask in your Survey, click the '+ Add Question/Section' or the '+' button in between your Question Blocks

What are all the Question Types I can ask?

A: see Key Question Types in demo video below.

B: see All Question Types in Preview Link here

2: Question Editor

Contruct your questions with...

A: Choice Editor

B: Matrix, Rank, Scale, and Text Editors

3: Logic Editor

A: Display Logic and Action Logic

  • Route your respondents with display, submit, exit, and jump logic and
  • Add tags, least filled tags, variables, and lists to your respondents

B: If... conditions

Define the respondents being routed based on:

  • If... respondent selected
  • If... respondent's answer count
  • If... respondent answered or didn't answer question
  • If... respondent has tags
  • If... respondent has prior tags
  • If... respondent has list item
  • If... respondent displayed

C: Piping Answers


  • Answers, Text Answers, and Numeric Answers from a Previous Question
  • Variable Value and List Items from your Survey Logic
  • Loop Variable from your Survey Settings
  • CRD Value from your Survey Link

4: Survey Menu

Download to word, translate, manage, duplicate, preview, save your survey, and more!

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